2 min read

Tech Snippets #1

Welcome to our first Tech Snippet 🥳

Lessons learned and misconceptions regarding encryption and cryptology

This is a list of StackOverflow answers that quote different aspects that can go wrong when working with encryption and cryptology.

The tips range from basic fundamentals like "don’t roll your own crypto" to explaining why you should not use block ciphers with ECB for symmetric encryption.

It is a good read, especially if you are currently working on authentication mechanisms for your API or encrypting/decrypting files, to remind you of common pitfalls.

Lessons learned and misconceptions regarding encryption and cryptology
Cryptology is such a broad subject that even experienced coders will almost always make mistakes the first few times around. However encryption is such an important topic, often we can’t afford to…

Coding Adventure: Chess

Sebastian Lague makes awesome YouTube videos in which he explores different topics from ray tracing to simulating fluids from the ground up and visualizes them in a great way, all using the Unity engine.

This video is the first of two in which he creates a chess-playing program and explains how he created his own chess engine. These videos were also the key that helped me work on my own chess legal movement generation library, chess-lib.

Coding Adventure: Chess
My attempt at creating a little chess playing program!Think you can beat it? Give it a go over here: https://sebastian.itch.io/chess-aiWatch the sequel here:…

Rootless Containers from Scratch - Liz Rice, Aqua Security

You are probably using Docker on a daily basis, and you may have wondered how it works. In this video, Liz Rice gives a great explanation of what containers are at a basic level and also creates a small Go program, which is basically a minimal container engine.

I gave a short talk about how Docker works, and this was one of the talks that really helped me prepare the talk and also gave me something practical to show, not just talking theoretically about it.

Rootless Containers from Scratch - Liz Rice, Aqua Security
Rootless Containers from Scratch - Liz Rice, Aqua Security

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day ☀️