3 min read

Tech Snippets #4

Welcome to the fourth part of Tech Snippets 🎮

Christoph Nakazawa - How Not to Build a Video Game, React Summit 2023

Are you a web developer and want to write a game, but you are not so interested in using some game engine? Ever thought of using React?

Christoph develops a game called Athena Crisis, a modern retro turn-based strategy game, completely written using web technologies like React and CSS.

In this talk he explains the trade-offs between easy solutions and performance when using web technologies and gives you insights into his development process. He shows a few problems he had to solve and may also inspire you to write your next game in React instead of Unity or Godot.

Christoph Nakazawa - How Not to Build a Video Game, React Summit 2023
React Summit 2023 #ReactSummit #GitNationWebsite – https://reactsummit.com/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with…

Building the AI for Athena Crisis - Christoph Nakazawa, JS GameDev Summit 2023

As I already mentioned Christoph above, I do it again, as he did a another great talk in which he dives into the AI development for his turn based strategy game "Athena Crisis".

It is a great starting point if you are currently also questioning how you could write a game AI. Many resources that can be find online are complex or confusing, so you may also like his approach on building a game AI from scratch.

Building the AI for Athena Crisis - Christoph Nakazawa, JS GameDev Summit 2023
JS GameDev Summit 2023 #JSGameDevSummit #GitNationWebsite – https://jsgamedev.com/Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’…

Valve's "Secret Weapon"

As we are already talking about game development, this may be good spot to also mentioning how important playtesting is. You can write the most beautiful and perfectly programmed game, but if it makes no fun playing, nobody will enjoy playing it.

Playtesting is an integral part of game development and should be started as early as possible, so you don't work on things that needs to be removed later on as they just don't work as intended. But also it helps in improving the quality and allows to get new ideas.

In this video Mark explains not only the reason why Valve became almost obsessed with it but also how they do it and explains why playtesting is so important to do.

Valve’s “Secret Weapon”
🔴 Get bonus content by supporting Game Maker’s Toolkit - https://gamemakerstoolkit.com/support/ 🔴Valve is famous for crafting games that are polished and i…

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day ☀️